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Parent  Workshops

Interactive education for parents & others raising adolescents
Image by Kenny Eliason


  • Workshops include handouts of summarized comprehensive information and resources.

  • Participants become automatic "members" of this website giving them unlimited access to "members only" resources and ongoing information updates.

Workshops can also be modified and designed specifically for a population's needs. Contact me to talk about it!

Not MY Kid

Preventing & Intervening

in Adolescent Substance Use

Information about how to identify and overpower risk factors for early substance use, and strengthen protective factors. Learn how to start and maintain open dialogue with your kids about drugs and alcohol, and help them resist peer pressure. Including tips on responding to substance experimentation or problematic use. 

WHats Hip, Whats Hype, and Whats Legit 

New School Drug Ed for Parents

Substances of abuse are getting stronger and more dangerous, use is getting younger and youth addiction and overdose rates are growing. Find out what's new and currently trending amongst our adolescents, as well as the latest "hot-of-the-presses" research on risks of the "good 'ole stuff" to developing brains. 

Catalyzing  the  Conversation:


Creating Mutual Understanding, Trust &

Dialogue About Substances and other  

Parents and students in 5th-12th grades come together for this interactive workshop to gain shared language and understanding about youth drug and alcohol abuse, greater empathy for each other, and agreements on how to maintain mutual trust through middle and high school. 

Addiction-Proofing Our Kids in an Addictive World 

As parents, we can feel like we are swimming upstream in an increasingly complex, dangerous, and addictive world. Gain empowering information and skills to help your kids develop an inner compass that will steer them healthily through self-destructive options of adolescence into a thriving young adulthood. 

Talking about drugs & alcohol with our kids is more important than ever with substances becoming more dangerous, appealing, addictive, and easier to conceal.
This presentation is unique in that it's actually designed for parents and teens to attend together!!! And includes a discussion guide for implementing the information when attendees return home, and a template for creating a mutual Family Agreement re: Drugs & Alcohol. 

Having Impactful Conversations with Our Teens About Drugs and Alcohol 


Workshops can also be modified and designed specifically for a population's needs. Contact me to talk about it!


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